Shades of Growth 4, 2023, repurposed aluminum cans, laser cut steel, fabric, fencing and wire, 68 h x 38 w x 34 d inches
Shades of Growth 6, 2024, laser cut steel, repurposed alumuinum, plastic, fabric, wire and paint, 38 h x 24 w x 19 d inches
Shades of Growth 2, 2022, sandblasted blown glass, aluminum cans, laser cut steel, plastics, fabrics, wire and acrylic paint, 44 h x 24 w x 15 d inches
Shades of Growth 1, 2022, repurposed aluminum, sandblasted blown glass, plastic, wire, acrylic paint. 56 h x 28 w x 20 d inches
Shades of Growth 3, 2022, repurposed aluminum cans, blown glass, fabric, fencing and wire, 53 h x 31 w x 24 d inches